The Student’s Role in Online High School Courses

As an K12 Prep Academy student, it’s up to you to be your own biggest motivator. Our staff and your parents can give you all the support you need, but ultimately, your education depends on what you put in.

K12 Prep Academy works to foster an environment that considers students active participants of the learning experience. In doing so, our staff increases the amount of academic responsibility given to the students with each completed year.

Taking online high school courses is a feat that poses many unique challenges. These challenges put students’ ability to self-discipline to the test. Our teachers provide plenty of guidance and support in order to facilitate the development of student time management skills and independent study tactics in order to encourage them to be personally accountable. Working together with teachers and tackling their goals by themselves shape students into independent learners who are well prepared for the post-high school world.

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personalized teacher service

Students have access to their own teachers who guide families through the learning process by grading courses to meet student needs and offering ongoing support and feedback.

College Counseling

Our knowledgeable counselors help ensure students are well-prepared to enter college.
K12 Prep Academy is committed to offering families the help they need to navigate the college admissions process.

High School Credit Recovery

K12 PREP’s Credit Recovery Program is an effective and proven way to help students earn high school credits in courses they did not pass the first time around.